Friday, 22 April 2011

We are now with Rome

Arrived home from work and told by she who must be obeyed, not to sit down but to hurry up eat my dinner, then to have my shower and change as we had to be out and walking up to Sevenoaks ready for a practice at St. Thomas church for our confirmation from being Anglican to Catholic.
We left home just before six thirty arriving just before seven.
There we met other candidates (our friends) and were taken through the order of service by Father Harvey and Father Ivan.
We were now ready for the main service, just time for a photo call outside the church.

I have not seen a church so full apart from weddings and funerals AND I was in the front pew!!!
The service as always was well led by Father Harvey, row after row of us were confirmed into the Catholic church then the twelve had their feet washed.
It was now time for my first ever Communion. It was alright, nothing at all to be worried about. 
After the service the confirmed, their sponsors and members of the congregation all mingled and wished each other well, then some went their own way and others went back into the church to pray and hold a silent vigil. After a while Janice and I left the church and walked home. It was a totally moving evening, after weeks of preparation we have joined Rome.
We would also like to say that we have been made to feel most welcome and moved by the new friends that we have made.


I would like to thank the Sevenoaks Ordinariate web site for the photos.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Todays the Day

Today is the day that I and my immediate family will be confirmed into the Catholic Church.
We can not wait, we have chosen our confirmation names.
Mine is St. Francis as I am interested in nature and animals, I am also a merchant selling to people like St. Francis used to do before he saw the error of his ways.
Also St. Francis' feast day is the same day as my birthday.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Chrism Mass

Father Harvey singing his way down the aisle of Southwark Cathedral after attending the Chrism Mass.
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Monday, 4 April 2011

Happy times in the Ordinariate

Idle Rambler -
Thank you for your comment.
We have indeed been made to feel very welcome, and I and my family are making new friends.
We have already got sponsers for when we will be accepted into the Catholic church on Maunday Thursday.

Friday, 1 April 2011


Touth ache for two days now.  Have now started using a tcp mouth wash. 
Weather is improving and helping to cheer people up.
Oranges now seem to be going out of season, can only seem to find small ones although they are nice and sweet.
Learned that one of my old customers only has a few days left to live. Her daughter came in to tell me that she has had all her tubes and drips removed. However, she is 101