Friday, 1 July 2011

Ordinariate Questions

As a member of the Sevenoaks Ordinariate I have enjoyed being part of the Catholic church but I am still concerned that as a group we haven't decided or been told where we are to establish ourselves as a group.
As time is moving on we seem to be being absorbed in to St. Thomas' church which isn't a bad idea but I don't think it is what the Pope was asking us to do.
Hopefully there may be some direction soon otherwise the Sevenoaks Ordinariate may just become St. Thomas members.
I pray that we all stay together as a group and that we can start to be part of the Ordinariate.
I am also looking forward to the Ordinariate pilgrimage to Walsingham.

1 comment:

  1. I'm inclined to agree, but I don't think we'll see much action until the Autumn due to holidays and also seeing what feasible options are available to us. It is fantastic to be involved and contribute to the community at St Thomas' who are amazingly accomodating and welcoming, but you are right, we need to work hard to keep our identity as a group. I'm not sure long term that will happen. We will become absorbed.
